Data Preparation
Sparkflows enables users to build data pipelines via 100+ pre-built processors to validate data, transform data and have clean data prepared. Users can even extend the processors by leveraging our SDK as well.
Sparkflows enables push down analytics which is built into the core architecture enabling the processing to take place where the data resides resulting in easy data governance.
Data Cleaning
Fix incomplete, incorrect, duplicates or otherwise erroneous data in a data set with the help of Sparkflows visual drag and drop data cleaning processors. Let your Analyst and Experts focus on providing quality data by combining and cleaning your datasets with hassle free low code options provided by Sparkflows.
Data Cleaning
Data Wrangling
Drop Duplicate Rows
Drop Rows with Null
Find and replace Using Regex Multiple
Imputing with constant
Imputing with a mean value
Data Cleaning
Imputing with mode value
Remove Duplicate rows
Remove unwanted characters
Imputing with Median
Find and Replace Using Regex
Remove Unwanted characters Multiple
Drop Columns
Select Columns
Filter by Date Range
Row Filter
Filter By String Length
Filter By Number Range
Data Filtering
Sparkflows assists your data analysts to enrich datasets by selecting only the required fields and rows, and keep away unwanted readings that might impact the efficiency of the data processing. This filtering operation leads to significant improvement over the data model accuracy.
Data Aggregation
Sparkflows pre-built data enrichments processors improve the data information value by enabling users to join/summarize data from different, disparate and multiple sources. It becomes easier to visualize patterns and trends in your data that would not be apparent during standard processing.
Geo Join
Join on Columns
Join using SQL
Join on Common Column
Join on Common Columns
Union Strict
Union All
Union Distinct
String Functions
String Functions Multiple
Text Case Transformer
Math Expression
Math Functions Multiple
String & Math Functions
Use Sparkflows extensive String and Math processor functions to convert data to a different format or case, compute metrics about the data, or perform mathematical manipulations. These functions help immensely in reaching the goal of having a clean dataset which in turn helps improve the quality of the data model.
Date Time Functions
Sparkflows allow end-users to easily handle and normalize data related operations. Extracting data components into separate columns, converting a value to a different date format, converting string to date, etc are a couple of the useful date functions available in Sparkflows.
Date function
Date Difference
Date Time Field Extract
Date to String
String to Unix time
Time Function
Time functions
Unix time to string
String to Date time