Get Started with your Free Trial
Free Trial
90 days free trial license of Sparkflows.

Installation and Setup
150+ included examples & use cases

Building up to 1 use case
of your choice
90 Days free Trial License
Sparkflows would provide a free trial license for 90 days. It includes all the features in Sparkflows: Collaboration, Data Preparation, Data Profiling/Exploration, ML Model Building, Visualization, Dashboards & Analytical Apps.
It includes multiple ML modeling engines.
Installation and Setup

Sparkflows would be either installed in your Environment
or on a machine in the Cloud provided by Sparkflows.
Sparkflows runs on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud or on your premise.
150+ Included Examples and Use Cases
Sparkflows comes with 150+ included examples & use cases: Recommendations, Churn Prediction, Fraud Detection, Anomaly Detection, Diabetes Prediction, Predictive Maintenance, etc. You can connect any of them to your Data Sources.
Building upto 1 Use Case
Sparkflows would work with your team to build out 1 Use Case of your choice. The use case would be built on the datasets provided by you.