If Column Name contains blank spaces i.e [CUST CD] then following two options can be used for further processing of data after reading data file:
1. Usage of ` chars (Backtick) such as `CUST CD` IN ('C01', 'C02') in connectors such as 'Row Filter'
2. 'Columns Rename' connector can be used to to rename columns for further processing.
If Column Name contains Single Quotes or Double Quotes i.e. ["CUST CD"] ['CUST CD'] then use 'Columns Rename' connector to rename columns for further processing
If Column Name contains Commas (,) i.e. ["STATE, COUNTRY"] then 'Read CSV' connector would read the file however it is better to rename column using 'Columns Rename' connector for ease of further processing.
If Column Name contains symbols i.e. [CUST' CD] [CUST$NAME] [#SALARY] [100COMMENTS] then 'Read CSV' connector would read the file however it is better to rename column using 'Columns Rename' connector for ease of further processing.