Fire enables you to export your Applications and download them to your computer.
It then also enables you to import your Applications back into any instance of Fire.
This is useful when you need to move/copy your Application from one environment to another.
Exporting Applications
Fire allows you to export Applications and download them to your computer.
Below are the steps for exporting Applications in Fire.
Go to the Applications Page
Select the Applications you want to export
Select the Applications you would like to export.
Then click on the Export button.
In the dialog box which comes up, select whether you want to export workflows or datasets or both.
Fire will now export the selected applications and download them to your computer.
Importing Applications
Fire allows you to import Applications. Below are the steps for importing Applications in Fire.
Go to the Applications Page
Fire allows you to import Applications. Below are the steps for importing Applications in Fire.
Click on the Import button.
Choose the zip file from your computer to Import from. You would have previously downloaded this zip file from Fire during the export process.
Select the name of the Application which you would like to import from the zip file. Fire would display all the available Applications in your zip file.
Select the Options for importing the Application
There are two options when importing Applications:
Import to a New Application
In this case, the selected Application would be imported as a new Application in Fire Insights.
Import to an Existing Application
When importing to an existing Application, there are 3 possible methods to choose from:
Create new workflows and datasets when matching UUID’s found.
Overwrite datasets and workflows if matching UUID found.
Delete all workflows and datasets in the selected Application and create the imported workflows and datasets as new ones.
On Success
On successful import of the Application into Fire Insights, the success dialog is displayed along with the details of the import.