Hello Lily, please find the answer below:As we know that a rolling window refers to a technique used for analyzing data by creating subsets or windows of consecutive data points and performing calculations or analysis within each window. The window "rolls" or moves through the dataset, allowing for the examination of data trends, patterns, or calculations over a specific period. You can follow the steps mentioned below to find the rolling average:
Select Input column on which you want to apply rolling function.
Apply Rolling function i.e. Mean.
Configuration details
Select Window range on which you want to apply rolling function.
Configuration details
Now, execute the workflow and you will get the desired output as shown below:
Hello Lily, please find the answer below: As we know that a rolling window refers to a technique used for analyzing data by creating subsets or windows of consecutive data points and performing calculations or analysis within each window. The window "rolls" or moves through the dataset, allowing for the examination of data trends, patterns, or calculations over a specific period. You can follow the steps mentioned below to find the rolling average:
Select Input column on which you want to apply rolling function.
Apply Rolling function i.e. Mean.
Select Window range on which you want to apply rolling function.
Now, execute the workflow and you will get the desired output as shown below:
Hope, it will help.